The effect of "foreign vocabulary" in lexicography (a look at the fundamental reasons for the emergence of dictionaries in Arabic).


  • Maidani Ibn Huwayli Author


Foreign vocabulary, lexicographical study, dictionary, Arabic


This text discusses the absence of clear evidence among the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era regarding their interest in scientific or linguistic research. It suggests that they did not leave a prominent scientific impact in this field or its desired applications today. The text acknowledges the transformative impact of the first revelation in 610 CE, emphasizing it as a profound moment that directed believers towards change and development under the teachings of the new religion, which heralded the emergence of an Islamic Arab civilization. This civilization, it argues, represented a simple form of humanity's introduction to knowledge, emerging from the darkness of ignorance into the light of enlightenment. The Quran, revealed in clear Arabic, was crucial for Arab and Muslim scholars, renowned for their eloquence and expression, to understand its meanings and derive its rulings effectively.


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How to Cite

The effect of "foreign vocabulary" in lexicography (a look at the fundamental reasons for the emergence of dictionaries in Arabic). (2010). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 6(2), 113-145.