Pronoun Back-Reference: The Impact of the Absent Pronoun "هاء" in Guiding the Meanings of the Quran according to Imam Ibn Jarir al-Tabari in His Interpretations. - Surah Al Imran, An-Nisa, and Al-Ma'idah as Examples - Continued
The Pronoun "هاء" (haa) and Its Impact: Guiding the Meanings of the Quran. Ibn Jarir al-Tabari in His Interpretations. Surah Al Imran, An-Nisa, and Al-Ma'idah as Examples.Abstract
Scholars, may God have mercy on them, have long been interested in Qur'anic studies, whether in terms of rhetoric, grammar, and other aspects. The issue of the return of the pronoun in the Quran in general, and specifically the pronoun "هاء" (haa) has been among the most important issues that received great attention from scholars and researchers. They spare no effort in explaining the referent of the pronoun due to its significance in determining various meanings, especially if the pronoun can refer to more than one entity. However, these studies remain in continuous development, and some of them need consolidation. Hence, this study aims to gather scattered pieces of this topic, focusing on the interpretation of "Jami' al-Bayan fi Tawil al-Qur'an" by Imam Ibn Jarir al-Tabari regarding the interpretation of pronoun referents. It also mentions the opinions of scholars among the interpreters such as Ibn Atiyyah, Abu Hayyan, and others, discussing their views briefly. The researcher also presents their own opinions on each issue presented in this study, supported by selected examples from Surah Al Imran, An-Nisa, and Al-Ma'idah.
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