The educational impact of examples in contemporary dictionaries compared to their role in heritage dictionaries


  • Maidani Ibn Huwayli Author


Contemporary dictionary, discourse analysis, lexicographical discourse, cultural trajectory, educational system


Educators and those who follow in their footsteps recognize that the general linguistic dictionary, regardless of its size, is fundamentally an educational tool. It is considered one of the most important educational instruments, whether spoken or silent, and its educational importance increases or decreases depending on the richness and diversity of the goals it outlines. The lexicographer aims to achieve these goals directly or indirectly through the contents meticulously compiled within the dictionary.

Indeed, true understanding of the deep analysis of its discourse only comes from diligent pursuit and mastery of the analytical path of lexicographical discourse. A dictionary, any dictionary, is a coherent synthesis that interacts in its creation, assembling a range of diverse and contrasting knowledge, both fundamental and secondary, enumerated only by specialists.

Our study seeks to present a modest, objective, and practical approach, aiming to draw attention to the necessity of studying the contents of lexicographical discourse as it is within its educational framework. This involves examining its composition mechanisms, construction methodologies, and leveraging its benefits to align with the requirements of reforming the cultural trajectory for future generations of the revitalized nation, through the reformation of thought and the desired educational system.


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How to Cite

The educational impact of examples in contemporary dictionaries compared to their role in heritage dictionaries. (2008). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 4(2), 131-161.