Linguistic discourse in university coursesThe necessity of temporal revival and cultural adaptation -


  • Ismahane Beddi Author
  • Abdanacer Bouali Author



academic linguistic discourse , Algerian university , Arabic patrimony actualisation, social adaptation


This paper is based on the hypothesis that the linguistic discourse at the Algeria university has become an indispensable institutional requirement; because it shed light on the theoretical frameworks that provide a conscious knowledge of the requirements of contemporary Arabic linguistic research. Hence, the importance of the contents of the linguistic discourse, especially the issue of its revival, should be considered to be compatible with the general linguistic discourse in its social, geographical and ethnic aspects, and with the content of the discourse itself and the development of the theories it establishes. The application of a specific linguistic theories in a foreign society without a deep awareness of its principles and especially its socio cultural background lead to a major failure.


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How to Cite

Linguistic discourse in university coursesThe necessity of temporal revival and cultural adaptation -. (2021). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 17(2), 71-88.