Pre-Sibawayh era: Grammatical analogy - Variation or Dispute?


  • khaled Bouziani Author


Variation , Dispute, Pre-Sibawayh era, Grammatical analogy


The observer of grammatical studies in the pre-Sibawayh era recognizes the importance of analogy (القياس) among grammarians during that period. It also calls for careful consideration of the unique characteristics that distinguished some of them. In the biographical dictionaries of grammarians, we find statements indicating that Abu Ishaq al-Hudhali was strict in applying analogy, and that he and his student Isa ibn Umar criticized aspects of Arabic grammar. Abu Amr ibn al-Ala had extensive knowledge of Arabic language, while Yunus ibn Habib applied unique methods and doctrines in grammar. Khalil ibn Ahmad was considered a leader in his community and a revealer of the intricacies of analogy in his time.

If we meticulously examine these books and carefully research the meanings of these statements, we can conclude that there existed variation and divergence in the approaches and methods of each scholar in applying analogy to grammatical issues.


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How to Cite

Pre-Sibawayh era: Grammatical analogy - Variation or Dispute?. (2007). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 3(1), 119-138.