Weaknesses in linguistic analysis


  • Sahban Khalifat Author


weaknesses, (linguistic analysis, logical structure


This study aims to analyze the outcomes of proponents of the (Meta-Ethical) school to elucidate the errors and implications inherent in this type of research, indicating its future trajectory. Moore gave significant foundations to the (Meta-Ethical) direction with the logical structure of moral judgments and linguistic analysis. His discussion on the naturalistic fallacy served as an entry point for many philosophers who affirmed the importance of logical rules and their role in understanding the underlying structure of language. Furthermore, his interest in answering the question of what is good led him to delve into the problem of definition in a detailed manner. Followers of Moore's philosophy understand that the essence of the naturalistic fallacy lies in the idea of fallacy as a weapon against all natural definitions of ethical concepts. Therefore, the fallacy of definition is comprehensive fallacy.


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How to Cite

Weaknesses in linguistic analysis. (2005). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 1(1), 157-180. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/270