Endowment (وقف) in the Arabic language - in the Quran and Arabic poetry


  • Ilhem Mortad Author


Endowment (وقف), the Quran, Arabic poetry, Arabic language


From the window of our research, a wild wind blows, neither from the east nor the west, carrying the morning dew drops and causing green leaves to fall from the trees, accumulating in that corner. In literature and spontaneity, it says: "O assembly, here is the news. Has any of you read, completed, or begun with a book adorned with precision and placed among readers, scholars, and jurists who testified for it, approached it, and immersed themselves in it? They memorized it in their hearts, weighed it in their minds, and copied it with their hands. It is a book described in beauty and known in literature, the Book of Allah, with verses and chapters firmly established in phonetic, morphological, and syntactic rules, of which we can understand only a little. It is a faint ray reaching us from a bright lamp that our righteous ancestors worked tirelessly to ignite. May Allah bless them."


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How to Cite

Endowment (وقف) in the Arabic language - in the Quran and Arabic poetry. (2005). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 1(2), 135-148. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/276