The Efforts of aṣ-Ṣakāki in the Phonological Course


  • Ali Faradji Author


aṣ-Ṣakkākī, Miftāḥ al-'Ulūm, place of articulation, phonological course


To treat the topic of this research, we start by questioning the scientific reading evidence
regarding the attributed and specific characteristics of Arabic. To answer this question, it
seems necessary to start - in our discussion of the characteristics of the Arabic language -
from the concepts of modern linguistics as being the methodological framework that can
provide a well-founded scientific answer based on objective data, precise investigations,
and scientific evidence that leaves no room for accusations of bias, delusion, or subjective
impressions. In this research, there is an attempt to discuss some of the characteristics of
Arabic within this approach.
The aim of this research is to examine part of the literary science founded by Abū Ya'qūb
Yūṣuf aṣ-Ṣakkākī in his book "Miftāḥh al-'Ulūm" (The Key to Sciences), which an
encyclopedia in the field of literature. We mean essentially ‘ilm al-‘aṣwāt. This involves
examining and discussing his opinions, being an eminent linguistic scholar who has studied
various aspects of the Arabic language and excelled in everything he addressed. His
opinions in various areas continue to captivate us as long as we refer to "Al-Miftāḥ", leaving
us with valuable opinions that still attract the attention and admiration of scholars. In
fulfillment of the purpose of this research, it addresses a number of phonetic issues
presented by aṣ-Ṣakkākī in his book " Al-Miftāḥ", such as his discussion of pronunciation
defects, his definition of sounds, and clarification of their articulation points, and his
observations regarding the mismatch of words and letters. Finally, his representation of the
place of articulation.


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How to Cite

The Efforts of aṣ-Ṣakāki in the Phonological Course. (2019). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 15(2), 33-46.