Methodology of "Al-Munjid in Contemporary Arabic Language" in addressing the structure of borrowed morphemes at the level of suffixes


  • Bilal Habbas Author


Methodology , Term, Borrowing, Arabic language


The phenomenon of borrowing words from other languages is a human characteristic that modern linguists have extensively documented, and the Arabic language prominently exhibits this phenomenon due to the Arabs' historical interactions with neighboring nations. Lexicographical dictionaries have approached this phenomenon with varying degrees of flexibility in including borrowed words in their texts, as well as differing levels of acceptance and treatment. "Al-Munjid in Contemporary Arabic Language" is one such dictionary that has included numerous borrowed terms, with its authors demonstrating clear opinions, efforts, and methodologies in dealing with borrowed words at the morphological level.

Our article specifically highlights how "Al-Munjid" addresses borrowed morphemes, particularly focusing on suffixes. Suffixes borrowed from foreign languages vary greatly and pose challenges when transferred or adapted into Arabic, especially in scientific language. Arabic scholars often face difficulties finding equivalent Arabic terms, sometimes resorting to direct transliteration with or without modification. In scientific fields, some borrowed suffixes are used independently, detached from their foreign roots and directly affixed to their Arabic counterparts.


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How to Cite

Methodology of "Al-Munjid in Contemporary Arabic Language" in addressing the structure of borrowed morphemes at the level of suffixes. (2017). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 13(2), 73-96.