Discourse in The Historical Dictionary of Doha of Arabic Language


  • Abdelkader Bouchiba Author


Discourse, Doha historical dictionary of Arabic, The lexical corpus, The levels of use, The lexical quotation


Dictionaries in the past or at present within their different types and objectives do try to expose the discourse of the language according to a certain vision. This work would try to demonstrate the relationship hidden in between the dictionary and the discourse so as to describe this latter’s characteristics. This question has been out of the sight of many researchers so far. For such a deal, we took the Historical dictionary of Doha of the Arabic language as a sample for the practical study as it’s considered as the most important Arabic dictionary strictly linked to the standards of the lexical modern industry mainly that of historical. Thus, this research focused on the corpus of this dictionary on purpose to study its resources and to be evaluated to detect its literacy shown in its introduction mainly on its digital portal. This dictionary has analyzed some samples of lexical texts in order to unveil the extent of presenting the discourse of the Arabic language. Key-words: Discourse; The historical dictionary of Doha of Arabic language; The lexical corpus; The levels of use; The lexical quotation.


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How to Cite

Discourse in The Historical Dictionary of Doha of Arabic Language. (2023). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 19(1), 41-65. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/9