Employing the Neo Khalilian Theory in Teaching Arabic at the Pre-University Level in Light of Criticisms of Western Linguistic Theories


  • Djamila Achour Author


Hadj-Salah, Neo-Khalilian Theory, Teaching Arabic language, Western Linguistic Theories


This study addresses various theories concerning the teaching of the Arabic language. It first presents the principles of formal grammar theory, generative-transformational grammar theory, and communicative theory, aiming to highlight the characteristics of each and what they can offer in language teaching in general and Arabic in particular. The study also points out the shortcomings of these theories, such as focusing solely on one aspect of language: either structure or usage. The second part of the study sheds light on the principles of Haj Saleh's modern Khalilian theory, demonstrating how they can be utilized to address the issues faced in teaching the Arabic language.


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How to Cite

Employing the Neo Khalilian Theory in Teaching Arabic at the Pre-University Level in Light of Criticisms of Western Linguistic Theories. (2017). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 13(1), 407-428. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/96