The Efforts of the Pioneers of Arabic Renaissancein Promoting Arabic Language for the Transfer of Modern Knowledge


  • Taher Mila Author



Generate, dictionaries, academies, language modernization, transfer of scientific knowledge


This paper deals with the efforts of the pioneers of modern Arab renaissance, limiting ourselves to what concerns Arabic language promotion to enable the transmission of the new scientific and technical concepts imposed by the Western civilization to all languages. These works were part of a large reform movement, which emerged in the early nineteenth century, after Napoleon's campaign against Egypt, and one of its results was the studies and works carried out by the pioneers of the modern Arab renaissance, including the political, social, economic and other conditions of the Arab nation. The status of the Arabic language was also part of these studies and this is the object of this paper.      


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How to Cite

The Efforts of the Pioneers of Arabic Renaissancein Promoting Arabic Language for the Transfer of Modern Knowledge. (2022). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 18(2), 9-24.