A reading of Abd al-Kadir al-Fassi al-Fahri's stance on "heritage" and "the Arabic language" in his book "Linguistics and the Arabic Language."


  • Hamidi Benyoucef Author


Heritage, linguistics, linguistic heritage, Arabic language, al-Fassi al-Fahri


This research situates itself within a broad linguistic framework concerning the relationship between heritage and contemporary linguistics. It aims to critically examine the work of one of the prominent linguists in the Arab world, Abd al-Qadir al-Fassi al-Fahri, specifically focusing on some of the bold linguistic issues he raised in his book "Linguistics and the Arabic Language," published in 1985.

One of the key issues discussed is his stance on Classical Arabic and its relationship with Modern Arabic. Al-Fassi attempted to argue against the reliance on this linguistic heritage in constructing linguistic theory, based on various arguments.

Through this study, we seek to interrogate the ideas presented by al-Fassi al-Fahri to clarify whether his arguments are founded on solid epistemological and methodological grounds. We will first discuss his assertion that the language used by ancient Arabs differs from Modern Arabic, and we will also attempt to respond to his idea that there is no need to employ Arabic heritage in studying contemporary language.


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How to Cite

A reading of Abd al-Kadir al-Fassi al-Fahri’s stance on "heritage" and "the Arabic language" in his book "Linguistics and the Arabic Language.". (2013). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 9(2), 133-148. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/181