General notes on sources for studying Old and Middle Classical Arabic language.


  • Ranif george khoury Author


Notes, sources, study, Ancient Classical Arabic language, Middle


Studying the Arabic language since its earliest stages of development requires answering various questions, most importantly concerning the sources that researchers can rely on for their studies. In this field, we can only examine the oldest surviving written texts that have reached us in their original form. Not all works that were documented have survived intact; often, we only have later accounts from periods long after their authors' lifetimes.

The oldest text compiled in book form, undoubtedly, is the Holy Quran. Simon Hopkins, the Orientalist, previously compiled a list over twenty years ago in his book on Ancient Arabic, based on parchment manuscripts dating back to before the 3rd century AH (early 9th century CE). These references include the Quran, pre-Islamic poetry, Hadith (Prophetic traditions), biographies, various letters, and narrative literature from the days of the Arabs.


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Fārūq Saʻd : Bāqāt min Ḥadāʼiq Mayy Ziyādah sīrat Mayy Ziyādah mh muntakhabāt min turāthuhā. Dār al-Āfāq Bayrūt 1983.

Youssef Eche, les bibliothéques Arabes publiques et semipubliques en Mèsopotami, en Syrie et en Egypt au Moyen Age, Damas ( Publ.Istitut FranÁais de Damas)

* الترجمة العربية:

- السيد السيد النشار : تأريخ المكتبات في مصر- العهد المملوكي – القاهرة 1413 / 1993.

- شعبان عبد العزيز خليفة : المجموعة الببلوجرافية التأريخية – مجلدان: الكتب و المكتبات في العصور الوسطى – الشرق المسلم القاهرة 1997.

* al-Tarjamah al-ʻArabīyah:

- al-Sayyid al-Sayyid al-Nashshār : taʼrīkh al-Maktabāt fī mṣr-al-ʻahd al-Mamlūkī – al-Qāhirah 1413/1993

- Shaʻbān ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz Khalīfah : al-Majmūʻah albblwjrāfyh al-taʼrīkhīyah – mjldān : al-Kutub wa al-Maktabāt fī al-ʻuṣūr al-Wusṭá – al-Sharq al-Muslim al-Qāhirah 1997.

G. Vajda, les v=certificats de lecture et de Transmission dans les manuscris arabes de la BibliothËque Nationale de paris, paris 1956; R.Sellheeim, Gelehrte und Gelehrsamkeit im Reiche der chalifen, Festschrift f,r Paul Kim,Berlin 1962.

* الترجمة العربية:

- عطية رزق: العلم والعلماء في عصور الخلفاء بيروت 1972.

- محمد هاشم: الأندية الأدبية في العصر العباسي في العراق حتى نهاية القرن الثالث الهجري، بيروت، 1982.

* al-Tarjamah al-ʻArabīyah;

- ʻAṭīyah Rizq : al-ʻIlm wa al-ʻulamāʼ fī ʻuṣūr al-khulafāʼ Bayrūt 1972.

- Muḥammad Hāshim : al-andiyah al-adabīyah fī al-ʻaṣr al-ʻAbbāsī fī al-ʻIrāq ḥattá nihāyat al-qarn al-thālith al-Hijrī, Bayrūt, 1982.

Simon Hopkins: Studies in the Grammar of early Arabic Based upon papyri datable before 300A.H/ 912 A.D.Oxford University Press 1984.

R.G. Khoury, les Légendes prophétiques dans l’islam depuis líler-IIIe siËcle de l’hégire, Wiesbaden 1978.

RG. Khoury Asad Ibn Mùsa: Ktàb az-zuhd. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée et augmentée de tous les certificats de lecture, avec une étude sur l’auteur, Weisbaden 1976.

RG. Khoury « Abd Allàh ibn lahi’ a: juge et grand Maitre de l’Ècole Egyptienne, avec éd, Critique de l’unique rouleau de papyrus arabe conservé Heidelberg, Wiesbaden, 1986.

Arabic Literary papyri,I,Nabia Abbott,Studies in Texts Chicago, 1957.

R. G. Khoury, Wahb Ibn Munabbih., Wiesbaden (Codices Arabici Antiqui 1972, I, 33 sqq, 117 sqq.

C. H Becker, papyrus ñ Reinhardt I, Heidelberg (Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger papyrus ñ Sammlung III) 1906, 30-31.

Th. Nöldeke, Zur Grammatik des classischen Arabisch, Èd. A. Spitaler, 2° éd. Darmstadt 1963, 2.

Cf, Joshea Blau, A Grammar of Christian Arabic based mainly on south palestinian Texts from the first millenium. Louvain 1966,19 sqq (Orthoraphy and Phenetics) ; The Emergence and linguistic backyground of Judaea-Arabic. A study of the origins of Neo-Arabic and Middle Arabic. Jèrusalem, 3e ed. 1999, 1 sqq.,

R.G.Khoury, Les légendes prophétiques dans l’Islam,

Cf. Joshua Bali, A Grammar of Christian Arabic based mainly on South Palestinian Tests from the first millennium. Louvain 1966, 19 sqq. , 61 sqq. (Orthography and phonetics) ; The Emergence and linguistic background of Judaeo-Arabic. A study of Neo-Arabic and Middle Arabic Variety.Jerusalem, 1988.







How to Cite

General notes on sources for studying Old and Middle Classical Arabic language. (2009). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 5(2), 103-133.