The significance lies between the necessity of the text and the possibility of interpretation a linguistic approach to the mechanisms of reading and the culture of opinion in Arab heritage.


  • Ahmed Hassani Author


The text, interpretation, linguistic approach, reading, Arab heritage


The text as understood in the context of ancient Arab scholars defies a single cognitive grasp; its meaning may appear clear at one stage and then another layer may emerge or disappear. This complexity prompts the reader to devise specific mechanisms to interpret the text, sometimes focusing on its textual implications and at other times diverging towards alternative interpretations. However, this divergence is not arbitrary but supported by sufficient intellectual evidence, serving as the primary justification for interpretive or exegetical actions, or both.


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How to Cite

The significance lies between the necessity of the text and the possibility of interpretation a linguistic approach to the mechanisms of reading and the culture of opinion in Arab heritage. (2006). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 2(1), 93-121.