The term "al-insan" and its definition with the letters "alif" and "lam" in the Quranic context


  • Touati Ibn Touati Author


The term "al-insan,", significance, the Quran, Touati


This research addresses the term "al-insan" and its definition with the letters "alif" and "lam" as mentioned in the Quran and Arabic literature. The research is structured around the following points: the reality of humans, humans and the state of language, the significance of the definite article "al," the general and specific significance of the term "al-insan," types of definite articles, and the opinions of grammarians and interpreters regarding the local significance of "al-insan" with "al."

The reality of humans: It is said about humans that they are speaking animals, and their species is closely related because they are complete in commonality and distinguished among others in their species. This answers questions about their essence and all that distinguishes them.


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ابن السراج ،الأصول في النحو

Ibn al-Sarrāj, al-uṣūl fī al-naḥw

سعد الدين التفتازاني، مختصر المعاني

Saʻd al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī, Mukhtaṣar al-maʻānī

الخطابي، غريب الحديث

al-Khaṭṭābī, Gharīb al-ḥadīth

درة الغواص في أوهام الخواص

Durrat al-ghawwāṣ fī awhām al-khawāṣṣ

ابن فارس، الصاحبي في فقه اللغة

Ibn Fāris, al-Ṣāḥibī fī fiqh al-lughah

ابن سيده، المخصص.

Ibn sydh, almkhṣṣ.

ابن سيده، إعراب القرآن.

Ibn sydh, iʻrāb al-Qurʼān.

ابن عقيل ، شرح ابن عقيل على الألفية

Ibn ʻAqīl, sharḥ Ibn ʻAqīl ʻalá al-alfīyah

د. عوض الله جاد حجازي، المرشد السليم إلى المنطق الحديث و القديم.

D. ʻAwaḍ Allāh Jād Ḥijāzī, al-Murshid al-salīm ilá al-manṭiq al-ḥadīth wa al-qadīm.

د. محمد أمان، الصفات الإلهية

D. Muḥammad Amān, al-ṣifāt al-ilāhīyah

المرزوقي، الأمالي

al-Marzūqī, al-Amālī







How to Cite

The term "al-insan" and its definition with the letters "alif" and "lam" in the Quranic context. (2010). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 6(2), 89-111.