Structural composition and relational dependencies and their impact on shaping meaning


  • khaled Bouziani Author


structural composition, relational dependencies, meaning, patterns


The research topic addresses the issue of grammatical structure and its relationship to meaning and significance. Grammatical structure continues to influence various styles of expression, particularly in poetic construction, which has attracted the attention of critics studying this specialized system. This system organizes words and composes them according to a specific logic, unique vision, and a language not accessible to everyone through imaginative activity and creative poetic style. Sibawayh, for instance, deeply appreciated the importance of structure and its relationship to meaning when he classified speech patterns into a pentadic division. Structural relationships have also been among the primary concerns aiding in the analysis of syntactic processes and in discerning the meanings of grammar in Abdul Qahir's work.


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How to Cite

Structural composition and relational dependencies and their impact on shaping meaning. (2010). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 6(2), 165-195.