Ibn Khaldun's linguistic thought and its relationship to urban studies


  • Omar Lahcen Author


Linguistics, linguistic thought, Ibn Khaldun, urban studies


Some may wonder about the reason for the interest in Ibn Khaldun in our era, as linguistic studies worldwide have reached levels of thinking that rival many humanities and technological sciences. However, this rapid progress has caused a disconnect from ancient linguistic studies. Arabs have been inclined towards the achievements of contemporary linguistics imported from the West, while neglecting their rich Arabic heritage. For this reason, I thought in this article to shed light on Ibn Khaldun's linguistic contributions, which have remained largely unknown despite the studies, articles, and books written about him. It consisted of reflections and insights into his linguistic investigations, and how they intersect with theories and opinions in contemporary linguistics, across various schools and methodologies.


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How to Cite

Ibn Khaldun’s linguistic thought and its relationship to urban studies. (2007). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 3(1), 167-186. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/260