Production of Ideas and Theories and Their Role in Scientific Terminology Innovation- Linguistics as a model-
term, Linguistics, ideas, theories, waḍʻ and ístiʻmālAbstract
The research aims to demonstrate the importance of the production of ideas and theories in scientific research in general and linguistic in particular, and the role of this to get out of the problematic scientific term that only specialists in science develop. How can this be achieved in Arab linguistic research in particular and scientific research in general, and what is the nature of the relationship between theories and terminology? This research has adopted a comparative and analytical methodology, comparing terminology and analysing the way it is developed and selected, with models being outdated and up-to-date. One of its main findings is that the availability of the term "scientific" in general and "linguistic" in particular will be achieved only with the abundance of genuine scientific research based on the production of ideas and theories. This fact has been known by all civilizations since ancient times, such as Arab-Islamic and Greek civilization. Many of the linguistic terminology in modern Arabic linguistic writings is troubled and unchecked. The reason is a lack of good knowledge of heritage and modernity, and a poor understanding of them as well.
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