To teach Arabic syntax within the text


  • Tahar Loucif Translator
  • Daniel Sitissi Author


sentence, text, Discourse, Arabic syntax, The rhetorical objectives


This article concerns a critical and directive review addressing significant theoretical and practical obstacles in teaching French language and the mechanisms of transitioning from sentence-level grammar to discourse-level grammar. It aims to overcome educational "traditions" that often lead to a narrow focus on inherited grammatical concepts and perceptions, which can be complex and obscure for both teachers and learners. Particularly, it challenges the separation between grammar, speech construction, and reception, advocating instead for a holistic understanding of linguistic systems alongside mastery of speech, expression mechanisms, and effective language use. Such an approach can only be achieved through embracing discourse and spoken linguistics, especially the concept of discourse grammar, without neglecting sentence-level grammar, of course.


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How to Cite

To teach Arabic syntax within the text. (2021). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 17(1), 85-100.